About Us
Prospect Lake Golf Course History
The McGregors bought a piece of land in 1922 overlooking the southerly portion of Prospect Lake. Wildlife was abundant, as it is to this day, and the view over the lake was so beautiful that it was decided that their home should be built there. In 1936 Andrew and Dot McGregor assumed ownership of the farm and lived a rural and happy life.
In 1959 they decided to enter the commercial world and started planning to build a golf course. In 1962 plans were ready and a start was made on Gregarah Golf Course. In April 1964 play commenced on this challenging and very scenic course. Green fees were $1 daily and they signed Bob and Jane Gonnason as their first Members. In August 1964, there were thirty Members and Bill Burrows was giving free instruction to Members and green fee players.
In January 1966, Membership application was accepted in the RCGA, BCGA and CLGA. By September 1966 there were 168 enthusiastic Members. In June 1967, the first hole-in-one over 138 yards of water (existing # 6 hole) was scored by Vic Young. In November 1967 there were 200 Members, and a waiting list was started. In 1970 Andy McGregor won the Club Championship and Dot McGregor won the Fall Cup.
In 1974 when the golf course was sold. Dot McGregor, the owner at that time wrote in her diary ; “It’s decided – we’re selling. Hopefully to someone who will love our place as much as we do.” … SHE DID and In 1974 Cedric and Dorene Steele purchased the golf course. In 1976 they built a clubhouse by converting the old farmhouse into a cozy refuge for Members and guests. In 1977, the name of the golf course was renamed Prospect Lake Golf Club where many memories linger of the days gone by, and deer quietly graze and listen to the words of passing golfers.
In 1990, all nine greens were renovated during the worst rains the golf course had even seen. In 1991, Carl White joined our team as Superintendent with plans of golf course improvements with the assistance of Steve Scott who was our Assistant Superintendent. In 1999, Shawn Steele, son of Cedric and Dorene Steele, joined our team and now acts as General Manager of the golf course.
New memories are being made everyday by our guests.